Yoga Peace Project
Summer Solstice - 2017
The Yoga Peace Project mission is to bring yogi's and studio owners together to raise awareness and to offer service.
For Summer Solstice we honored Grace Holistic Center For Education and all the amazing things they are doing. Together we raised funds for the school through student art work! Much love and gratitude! |
Spring Equinox 2017 - March 17 to 25th
The Yoga Peace Project mission is to bring yogi's and studio owners together to raise awareness and to offer service.
For Spring Equinox we honored ADOPT Pet Shelter, Family Focus and Sierra Club and all the amazing things they are doing.
Together, $5 at a time, we will make a difference! Select a yoga studio below to join in a class!
For Spring Equinox we honored ADOPT Pet Shelter, Family Focus and Sierra Club and all the amazing things they are doing.
Together, $5 at a time, we will make a difference! Select a yoga studio below to join in a class!